Post by Tony HwangPost by CarlA friend of mine just got a garmn 260, garmin offers for $119.95
free map updates for the life of the GPS, not the life of them
making it but the life of the gps. Seems were all making a mistake
buying Magellan! OK Magellan I hope you read this you just lost me as a
customer. As
soon as you say you no longer support my GPS with the paid maps I
have to buy I'm going Garmin!!!! Its time you wised up!!!!!!!!!
I made a mistake of buying Crossover as well. My impression is
Magellan is trying to go out of business real hard from consumer
market. My next one will be Garmin for sure.
I'm happy with my crossover, just not happy how they treat their
updates compared to Garmin.
I used mine today on the motorcycle. I took off from home at 9:00
A.M, it was 32 degrees, so you know how cold the GPS was. By the time
I got to where I was going 62 miles it warmed up to 42. The trip home
at 2:30 was 58 degrees so that was nicer.
As far as functions it worked liked it was supose to. It was about a
half block off from my waypoint but that's not the first time
something like that has happened. I have another friend with a garman
and he said his is the same too, sometimes its a half block or a
house or two off. Sense Navteq makes the maps I'd think everyone's GPS
would be the same no matter who made it. As long as I get on the
right street in the city I know nothing about I can live with it.
Looking at house numbers is a piece of cake compared to finding
roads! I knew how to get to the city, I just couldn't get my self
around it.
Just for kicks I told it to take me home. I told it fastest route,
even though I knew how to get home. It wanted to take me by
Interstate, I wanted to take the same state and county roads home. It
was persistent to tell me to do a U turn. For about 3 miles it drove
me nuts. It finally found a paved county road to turn on.
I didn't want to go that way so once again, please make a U turn. I wish
would have set it up to shut up after the second time it says please
do a u turn, then re rout.
I pulled over and changed my route to shortest route instead of
fastest route, then it took me the way I wanted to go. Heck I should
have just shut it off, but I wanted to see it work on the bike. The
screen is very easy to see even with the sun on it.
I just hope I'm happy with the V2 map. I got it from Navteq for 69
bucks, Magellan wanted 79, now Magellan has it on sale for 55 so If
you need the update knows the time to get it. I screwed up and didn't
get my free 30 day guarantee update after I bought it. When I
called Magellan to find out the details she told me yes, you can have
the free update! Then I looked at my receipt, I was 5 days over the
The same night I ordered my V2 Update from Navteq it was still
regular price on Magellan's web site. I looked the next night and it
was 55. I called Navteq about there price beat policy and they said
mine was already shipped, they could not adjust it. It will be here
Wednesday .
I got a bit long winded I know but I want it to be clear I like the
GPS, but I don't like Magellan's map updating policy compared to
Garmin! Next time I shop for a Garmin!!!!
I started out with nothing, and
I just about have that paid for.
"Make yourself sheep and the wolves
will eat you." -- Benjamin Franklin